Thriving in Babylon: Week 5 Influencer

Are we surviving culture or thriving? Are we enduring or influencing?

Week 5 - Influencer

Monday - Tuesday : Read Romans 15:18-19, Daniel 4:19-20

Deeds: “Loving someone by your actions in which your deeds build a bridge where the Gospel can travel.”

What are the deeds in your life people see? Do they point to God? Do you live on purpose? How in this verse in Daniel 4 can we tell Daniel cared about Nebuchadnezzar? Daniel was about 40ish when he interprets his dream. He spent years building credibility. Building relationships. Serving. In chapter 1-4 what can you identify as the deeds of Daniel to show how he witnessed by the way he lived?

Action - List the names of 2-3 people that are close to you but far from God. Pray over those names, that God will give you opportunity through deeds to build a bridge for him and his love.

Wednesday - Thursday: Read Daniel 2:26-28, Daniel 3:16-18

Words: “Once we have built bridges with our deeds, words must follow at the right time. Our job is to bear witness. We don’t have the close the sale with every conversation. We simply bear witness, share our story and let the Holy Spirit do the rest.”

What are some examples of Daniels words that impacted the King? How did Daniel give credit to God chapter 1? In chapter 2 with the dream interpretation? What are some ways you can be subtle to include your faith, your relationship with Christ in normal conversation? How does Hananiah, Mishaiel, and Azzuriah share words of witness in Daniel 3? Are their people in your life that don’t know you know God or have never heard you talk about Him?

Action: Maybe find ways to talk about how you are blessed? Or how you are challenged? Maybe share where you see God at work in your family or even in nature. Pray that God will help your see an opportunity this week to talk about God in someway with others you normally wouldn’t.

Friday Saturday - Read (Look back over Daniel 3 and 4) I Corinthians 2:1-4, Acts 4:29-31, Mark 2:1-12

The Power of Signs and Wonders: “ Where are not talking about miracles that draw attention to people. God puts the super in supernatural. There is a reality throughout the Bible that God often shows up with signs and wonders of many kinds to validate who he is. If God is the same yesterday, today and forever, can or even does he still work in this way at times today? I believe Miracles still happen today in different ways which are often used by God as a validations of the Gospel. I have heard so many testimonies where God intervened in someone life, got them sober, healed relationships, sickness or simply drew them from a dark place into his presence? These events and other “signs and wonders” can validate His saving message!”

Where in Daniel 3 and 4 do you see God doing supernatural things? How about in 1 Corinthians and Acts? What is Paul saying here these signs and wonders are about? How about Jesus in Mark 2, why did he tell the man to “take his mat and walk?” Do these things still happen today? Can they? Do you believe God is the same yesterday, today and forever? What miracles have you seen or experienced? Others around you!

Action: Pray that when HE deems necessary, God may use your deeds, your words to help invoke his signs and wonders to those who need to see it so that they are drawn to HIM!

Extra - Does God still use Dreams: read this article on what some argue is the fastest growing church in the world - and its in IRAN? Click Here


Thriving in Babylon: Week 6 PERSPECTIVE


Thriving in Babylon: Week 4-Don’t bend a Knee