Thriving in Babylon: Week 4-Don’t bend a Knee

Are we surviving culture or thriving? Are we enduring or influencing?


Monday - Read Daniel 3:1-7

Tuesday - Read Daniel 3:8-30

Wednesday - Read Ephesians 6:11-20

Thursday - Read Romans 1:18-32

Friday Read - Colossians 2:1-23

Saturday - Psalm 1:1-6

Sunday - James 1:2-18

Reflection Questions: 

  1. In Daniel 3, the outcome didn’t determine their faith. Why does life circumstance often determine the level of faith; instead of faith being a constant no matter the circumstances?

  2. Why didn’t God rescue them before they went into the furnace? They were rescued in the furnace. Is there a situation in your life you wanted God to intervene before it happened, but He allowed you to go through it anyway?

  3. In Daniel 3, Hananiah, Mishaiel and Azzuriah’s faith impacted the whole kingdom. How can making a firm stand for your faith affect those around you?

  4. In Romans 1 Paul points out that it is not only a sin to commit unrighteousness, but also to approve of unrighteousness. In what ways are Christians tempted to approve of unrighteousness today?

  5. In what ways do you see Paul’s description in Romans 1 of unrighteousness in our world today?

  6. How does it make you feel knowing that there is an unseen battle of darkness happening in your life?We need to put on the ‘full armor of God’ and stand our ground. Paul says ‘stand’ three times in this passage. What do you think Paul means by ‘stand your ground’?

  7. What 2 key aspects of the Christian life does Paul highlight in Colossians 2: 6-7 as important in order to “continue to live in him”?

  8. Why is it important that we realize that God has ultimate control over everything? How does that affect our day-to-day lives?
    Do you find comfort in our world of chaos that God is still on His throne, and in complete control?


Thriving in Babylon: Week 5 Influencer


Thriving in Babylon: Week 3-Putting your Ego on the Alter