Thriving in Babylon: Daniel’s Influence in a Godless Culture

Are we surviving culture or thriving? Are we enduring or influencing?

Welcome to week two of a seven week study within the book of Daniel as we take a look at how Daniel not only endured the challenges of Babylon he in influenced, he thrived. Listen to the podcast below for an overview of the 7 weeks as well a focus on week 1.

Week 2 - How to influence a godless world

Monday - Read Daniel Chapter 2 for the week: How did Daniel show respect for the King? For the culture? In what ways did God bless Daniel early on in his stay in Babylon?

Tuesday - Jeremiah 29:4-7: Process what God through Jeremiah is advising Daniel to do? How does this apply to the Christian in today’s culture? To you specifically in the places you are called to plant?

Wednesday - Matthew 5:13-17: What does Jesus mean being being salt? Examine your life her this Wednesday and jot down ways you are being salt and light or at least list some goals to strive for in influencing others around you in this manner.
Thursday - Luke 5:27-32 Jesus was intentional about the people he was around? What does this story teach you? How can you try to balance building respectful relationships with those who do not believe the same way you do with compromising your own believes.  Do you think Christians today are more like Jesus in this story or those criticizing him?

Friday -Acts 17- Paul show great respect for the culture of Athens while also showing distress for idol worship he found there. How did he display navigate this experience? How did he use their cultural to introduce them to the Gospel? What lessons can we learn from this story?

Saturday - Hebrews 11 This is the hall of fame of faith. As you read through this list, which influencer really jumps out at you and why? Choose someone from this list and go dig in more about who there are from other books of the Bible. What attributes besides faith do all in this chapter have in common?

Sunday - 1 Timothy 4:12 Paul was mentoring Timothy here. Who is in your life that is walking with you and speaking into you the truth of God? Who are you doing this for?

Reflection Questions: 

  1. Thing about the four postures discussed in the podcast Christian often take. Which do you find your self in these days? What do you see the church today doing to posture effectively?

  2. Respect is key in relationship building. Talk about your the places you go, the people you are around that may not believe or see God the way you do? How do you show respect with compromise?

  3. Why do Christians so easily fall into the trap of trying to be right or make a point instead of being patient and making a different? Who do you know around you that is a good example of a modern day Daniel.

Pray that you will commit with yourself, team, or small group to the study of Daniel over the next six weeks as we look not only to survive but to thrive, not only to endure but to influence


Thriving in Babylon: Week 3-Putting your Ego on the Alter


Thriving in Babylon