Thriving in Babylon

Are we surviving culture or thriving? Are we enduring or influencing?

Welcome to week one of a seven week study within the book of Daniel as we take a look at how Daniel not only endured the challenges of Babylon he in influenced, he thrived. Listen to the podcast below for an overview of the 7 weeks as well a focus on week 1.

Week 1 - How to Defeat the Influence of the World

Monday - Read Daniel Chapter 1 for the week: From chapter 1, what are some of the ways that the spirit of Babylon is trying to topple, train, and tempt Daniel? Do you see any similar examples in our culture today? How did the Spirit of God help Daniel navigate his early days in Babylon?

The 5 influences Babylon towards believers:

Tuesday - Influence 1 - Separation (Daniel 1:3): When have you felt isolated, or separated from God? Other believers. Oftentimes people drift from the people of faith before they drift from the faith. Reflect on your influences and who you are influencing.

Wednesday - Influence 2- Replacement of the family: I Corinthians 15:33, Proverbs 13:20, Psalm 1:1: Focus here on the people you are around? Are you different depending on your audience or group. Reflect on the phrase, “you will walk like who you walk with.”
Thursday - Influence 3 - Indoctrination Romans 12:2 What #tags are out there that sound good in the culture but stand against the truth of scripture? Where do you see indoctrination happening from Babylon with the church? 

Friday - Influence 4 - Packaging 2 Corinthians 11:14, Romans 16:17-18, I John 4:1 - What are some of the labels, or packages out there today that sound/look good in our culture but once you see inside, they do not align with God? How do we discern today with so many voices coming at us all the time?

Saturday - Influence 5 - Incintiviation  Daniel 1:5, Psalm 73:12-17, 2 Timothy 4:3 What are the incentives we face today from the spirit of Babylon that try to entice beliefs against what the scriptures teach?

Sunday - Daniel - Line in Sand Moment: Daniel 1:8, Colossians 3:23, Daniel 1:18-20, When you draw a line, we believe God will hold you up. Where are some areas in which you need to draw line in the sand for God?

Reflection Questions: 

  1. What is one area of your life that you experience the spirit of Babylon, and how can you push back against it this week?

  2. To fight against the spirit of Babylon you need the Spirit of God in you and godly friends around you. How can you practically pursue both of those in your life?

  3.  Where do you see lies being packaged in truth today? How do we combat this?

  4.  Reflect on Daniel 1:8 - was this just about food? What are your biggest takeaways from Daniels's line in the sand moment? 

  5.  I believe there are three groups of people. People of God, people of Babylon, and people of God who live like people of Babylon. Who are you? Why is this third group so dangerous? Where am I slipping into Babylonian ways?

Pray that you will commit with yourself, team, or small group to the study of Daniel over the next seven weeks as we look not only to survive but to thrive, not only to endure but to influence


Thriving in Babylon: Daniel’s Influence in a Godless Culture
