CU Yellowstone Vision Trip - 2022
Update- Devotional 1
What do we mean by Vision Trip?
Week of July 5
Cornerstone Athletics,
Jim, Alec and I are so excited to invite you to Yellowstone country in less than 1 month. We are praying and preparing for the final pieces of our week together in the mountains. Each week, I will send you a devotional thought with some trip updates at the bottom to help you prepare. Below is the first devotional to listen to followed by a few reflection thoughts and some trip planning items. The weekly emails are to help you prepare, your heart and mind for your time together with God!
Bible Text: Luke 18:35-43
Reflection Thoughts:
Trip Items:
Fundraising Update: Your individual amounts set by Aaron are almost all in. I will be reaching out to those who still need to get in their $400. With prices increasing greatly since we set the budget, if you have churches, individuals or that might like to donate to help offset the costs, send them to our donate link here on our website.
Yellowstone Update: The Park is back open as are all the areas we were considering visiting!
Packing list: First of all, it would be great if you could pack 1 carry-on and then share a check-in bag with someone else. This would help cut costs and there have been challenges lately with check-in luggage and large groups at airports. If you can meet up beforehand with someone near you and share a check-in bag, that would be excellent! All check-bags will be purchased at the airport by FSI. Click here for the packing list
Airfare tickets: Please when you can download the delta app onto your phone. You were all emailed flight info a while ago. Aaron will resend if needed again for you to access your flight info onto your app before check-in. More information will be coming on this in the coming days.
FSI SWAG: FSI will be providing a string backpack bag, a T-shirt, and a devotional for the trip. We are also considering the purchase of everyone a water bottle. More details to come!
Stay tuned for more info in the coming weeks… Questions-