
First - Watch the Intro Video below

Third: Reflection Questions: Address the questions below on your own or with a group.

Here, we find a  promise of how God will pursue his people into eternity.

  1. What are some promises of God within Isaiah 60?

  2. How is this passage an encouragement to the believer enduring hardship, darkness, persecution, or doubt?

  3. Even in darkness, what does verse two tell us about God, especially in the darkness of the last days?

  4. The challenge for us is to “Rise” (Isaiah 60:1). Jesus came once as the lamb and savior and will return as the King, the Lord of all. Make/share two lists. In this passage (Isaiah 59-60), the people of Israel are in darkness. First, list the darkness or challenges you face that make it hard to “rise” each day to “Pursue” God.

  5. Now, list reasons to trust God and glean into Isaiah 60 about future hope. Recognize that while we face challenges and darkness in our world, in Christ, our future is set, and pray that through this study, God will help you “Rise and Pursue” Him in a new and powerful way!

  6. Spend some time encouraging others on your team, in your group, or in your family who you are journeying with to pursue God. Share some things you hope to be challenged with in the Book of Hebrews study.

    Pray for this upcoming study, for your ability to pursue a God that is already pursuing you. To recognize that he is our hope both now and for our eternal future.

    What’s coming … On Thursday, we will kick off the study of the book of Hebrews with Chapters 1 -3. Until then, here is a challenge: Try reading the book of Hebrews in one sitting. If time allows, make a list of questions that come to mind as you read! We look forward to rising and pursuing with you on Thursday.

    Four: You can always share comments or encouraging thoughts below:

Rise and Purse: "Embracing Grit for the Journey of a Disciple" Building a faith that perseveres.”


Thursday 2/8 - Hebrews Intro part 2 - “Look Up”


Thriving in Babylon: Week 7 Blessed HOPE - The coming King