
“ Once of our biggest threats to the church today is losing our identity. Forgetting who we really are and who we are called to be.”

Verses for the week: Below is a passage and a reflective thought for each day of the upcoming week.

Monday: Read - Genesis 1:27, Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 139:14 What do all three of these verse have in common about our identity? How does this impact your view of others?

Tuesday: John 1:11-13, Ephesians 1:5-7 Being a child of God takes on identity. What does that mean to you? Consider the idea of adoption… Why would the Bible use this language as a way to describe our identity with God?

Wednesday: 2 Corinthians 5:17,Ephesians 2:10  What is God making new in you at this time? Where do you see Him working to mold you into His image?

Thursday: Psalm 139:1-24 God desires us to reach out to Him through prayer, to acknowledge the areas of old that need changed, and pursue Him in areas we need to be made new. Meditate on this passage and ask God to search your heart.

Friday: 1 Samuel 16:7 How does this world try to define your identity? How does God choose to see us and what does this mean for you?

Saturday: John 15:15-16 What does it mean to be a friend of God?

Sunday: 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 What are we called to do as those who claim Identity in Christ? How are you fleshing out being an ambassador?

Weekly Group Reflection Questions:

Did you ever have the experience growing up when sides were being picked for teams, and the good feeling you had when you were chosen? What was it like to be chosen? What was it like when you were not chosen, or chosen last?

What type of identities are valued in our culture today?

For you specifically, what are the traps or even struggles you have had with some of these specific false identities?

In what ways do you live out your identity in Christ on a daily basis?

From 1 Peter 2: Because of Christ, what is Peter’s message to his readers about their new identity? Is a Christian’s true identity wrapped up in the past or is it more about Christ and the future that awaits them?



