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Week - 3 Discipline

Key passage for the week Galatian 5:13-16

Verses for the week: Below is a passage and a reflective thought for each day of the upcoming week.

Monday: Joshua 1:7-9 There is a lot in this passage to ponder. Where do you see Joshua's need for discipline as God is instructing him? What is God’s promise to him?

Tuesday:1 Timothy 4:7-10 How do you do when it comes to physical training? From this text, why is spiritual training more important? Which do you focus on more in your life?

Wednesday: Psalm 1:1-5, Psalm 105:1-5 In the podcast we talked about devoting daily. What are the different ways you try or desire to live these passages out?

Thursday: 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18 Devoting daily to God is more than just reading your Bible. Reflect on the other areas this verse describes and journal how you already display some of these areas in your life, and where you would like to grow more.

Friday: Matthew 22:35-40 There are lots of things that fill up our schedule. It’s Friday and I’m sure it’s been a long week. God still desires us to be with Him. The best thing you can do for yourself and your team, family or group is to fully invest in loving God with all you have. What are the things in your life competing for the attention of your heart, mind and soul?

Saturday: Colossians 3:12-16 This verse has a lot about being disciplined not only in our relationship with God, but with others around us as well. How are you doing in this? What really jumps out at you from this passage?

Sunday: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Great passage here for athletes! What is Paul saying here, specifically how can we apply vs 27 to our pursuit to discipline?

Discussion Questions:

Are you a naturally disciplined person or is it something you have to work hard at?

When it comes to devoting daily to God what are your biggest roadblocks? Thinking through the audio intro for the week, what areas do you need to say no to in regards to feeding the sinful nature?

What motivates you to develop spiritual discipline in your life?

Share and reflect on your daily routine with God. When do you spend time with Him? What are the ways you try to grow your relationship with Him over time?

How can a strong group or community of believers help you with spiritual discipline?

Prayer thought: Share with God your areas of struggle that fight for your ability to spend time with Him. Read and claim Ephesians 3:20 and ask God to help you have the discipline needed to walk in His ways.