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Thursday 2/8 - Hebrews Intro part 2 - “Look Up”

Know Who you are, Whose you are and Who HE Is!

  1. Chapter 3, verse 1 describes us as a Holy family with a heavenly calling. Does this description surprise you at all? How does it make you feel? Which do you have the biggest struggle with (in terms of seeing or living out) Holy? Family? or Heavenly Calling?

  2. What difference should the description from 3:1 make in our lives?

  3. One reason we struggle with our faith is that we don’t “fix our thoughts on Jesus.” We don’t look up. Share some practical things you can do to build the habit of fixing your thoughts on Jesus more regularly.

  4. If you read the Book of Hebrews in full, share or reflect on some of your highlights and questions.

  5. Would you describe your faith right now as gritty? Why or why not?

  1. Pray that God will allow you to see yourself for who you are, what you are apart of, and with clarity in his calling on your life. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you in your ability to change your perspective on Jesus when needed!

    Below … On Friday, Read Hebrews 1 and do the devotional below.

Rise and Purse: "Embracing Grit for the Journey of a Disciple" Building a faith that perseveres.”

See this content in the original post

Friday - 2/9 Hebrews Chapter 1 “Above All”

Third: Reflection Questions: Address the questions below on your own or with a group.

Here, we find a  promise of how God will pursue his people into eternity.

  1. What picture comes to mind when you think about Jesus? What does he look like? Sound like? What is he doing? Why do you think this is what comes to your mind? How is Jesus viewed or pictured in popular culture?

  2. Reread Hebrews 1-3 while also reading Colossians 1:15- 20 and John 1:1- 14. List what these verses say about Jesus and then compare them to the answers you gave above.

  3. Read Psalm 102. How does it correlate with Hebrews 1:10? What does this tell us about Jesus?

  4. Hebrews 1 tells us that Jesus is greater than the prophets, kings, and angels. Why do you think this is a point of emphasis?

  5. How does understanding the identity of Jesus help you develop gritty faith that perseveres?

  6. Is your picture of Jesus big enough? How has chapter 1 confirmed, expanded or explained your view of Jesus?

    Pray that God will continue to reveal his true identity to you as you read this book and that you will have a clear, true picture of who he is!

    More Notes on Chapter 1: Hebrews 1 emphasizes three things about Jesus.

    - His unique authority

    - His unique identity

    - His unique power

    Next week, we will dive into Chapter 3&4.

    You can always share comments or encouraging thoughts below:

Rise and Purse: "Embracing Grit for the Journey of a Disciple" Building a faith that perseveres.”