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Wednesday- 2/28 Hebrews 4 - Rest Part 2

The word, rest, is repeated 11 times as either a verb or noun between 3:11 and 4:11 as the author reflects back to Psalm 95 and Genesis 2:2 (Heb 4:4). What comes to your mind when you think of rest? Now, what do you think this passage means by rest?

Think about the most restful place for you. Where would/could you go to get physical rest? Rest for your soul?

Is there anything in your life that is causing you unrest? Is there something making you restless? How can your faith in Christ help you find rest for your soul each day in a restless-making world?

If the key to entering God’s rest is faith, what do you think it means to “strive to enter” the rest that God provides in verse 11? What does this look like in your life? How can you encourage each other to keep striving?

Verse 12 is one of the most frequently quoted verses in all of Scripture about the significance and power of God’s Word. What stands out to you as most significant? Why? How does this fit into the theme and context of rest?

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Rise and Purse: "Embracing Grit for the Journey of a Disciple" Building a faith that perseveres.”