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Wednesday 3/28 Hebrews 9 Part 2 - Nothing but the blood

Gritty Faith is formed when we surrender to an atonement we couldn’t earn on our own when we rest in Jesus' cleansing blood.

Listen to this great message on the new covenant by the ministry First Fruits of Zion. Check out the sermon below…

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Hebrews 9 Nothing but the Blood - Part 2 Introduction Outer tent vs. inner sanctuary

From Chapter 9, what was your biggest takeaway from learning about the Tabernacle?

Have you ever struggled with what was described in the audio post as “outer tent religion?” Why does such a religion make grit and perseverance so difficult?

Why do we allow work, service, and good deeds to become more of the focus than Christ? Do your works, acts of service, and good deeds flow from your inner relationship with Jesus and what he has done for you?

Rise and Purse: "Embracing Grit for the Journey of a Disciple" Building a faith that perseveres.”